Hello! Did you have a nice weekend? Mine was spent adoring my little boy. We went to the park and my favourite moment was when he spotted the swings in the distance. He did this little hop/skip/jump in excitement. I remember than excitement.

The weather is warming up and I thought it would be nice to have a week of spring dress-ups. I'm thinking of devoting a week to fashion at the start of each season. It reminds me what I have in my wardrobe and what I might need to invest in. I've worn this skirt before here and still very much like it.

I can't recall showing you the front of my house before. When I bought the house the timber was white, the gutters a red brown colour and I don't think the house had been painted for forever.
The timber is now painted in Dulux Self Destruct, all the trims are in white and a new door fitted which I painted in Dulux Dewpoint (1/2 strength). The door bell and awning are original.
I'm still thinking about that pink front door. One day...