These shots were taken last weekend and if you are a Flickr friend of mine you might have already seen them. I also managed to take a photo of my son and I and it a new favourite of mine even though it is blurry.
The timer was set and in the last few seconds he quickly sat beside me, smiled, "click" and then he was off running about the house again. It is hard to get a good photo of us because he is always on the move and I will treasure this one.

I wore the outfit with flats because let's face it heels + toddlers = high probability of sprained ankles. Especially ones as high as these! I liked the velvet ribbon in my hair and might wear it more often just for something different. The white dress is the full version of the skirt I have worn in this photo and this one.
Thank you for your lovely comments and emails this week and have a fabulous weekend. Enjoy!