I really did have a weekend full of nothing at all and it was wonderful. How was yours?
Robert was given a tepee as a birthday gift and I finally got around to setting it up in his room for him. We spent most of the weekend hiding away in here. I scattered a few cushions and laid down a blanket and we played games, had lunch, rang the bell a millions times and even had a little nap in the tepee.

The tent is much bigger than I thought it would be and it took me a few tries setting it up and rearranging the room to get it to fit but in the end it did... just. If you are interested in a tepee, this one is from here and comes in other colours too.

Another little update to his room is moving the circus party print I made for his 1st birthday party onto his dresser and I also attached the ribbon around the lampshades with just a dab of glue so that I can remove it in the future without ruining the shades.