There are still many months to go before Robert moves into a 'big boy' bed. I can't even imagine the day. He still looks so teeny tiny in his cot.
I have been thinking about the little changes we will make to his room. A new bed of course, new prints on the wall and his newly painted lamps. The dresser, rug, toy box and wallpaper will remain. I'm unsure if the settee will be able to stay in his room because I would like to find space to set up his tepee. Can you imagine it? A tepee with floor cushions and his own little spot to run and hide into. I'll never be able to tell him to go to his room if he is in trouble. He'll love it there!
For his bed I am leaning towards an ensemble and fabric bedhead. I know they can be a drama to keep clean with little kids but it might hold up if I scotch guard it. Maybe.

Colour wise I will be adding a bit more soft blue to his already white and red room. I am rather liking this image from Domino (rest its soul) but I probably won't add any black accents, at least not until he is a bit older if he likes it. The colours will be reversed so, red circus wallpaper on the wall and soft blue bedhead.

I plan on making his bedhead myself but one evening a week or so ago I was searching eBay and came across this which I won. It is not quite what I had in mind (I was thinking a plain square headboard in blue or blue & white stripes) but it is so lovely I couldn't resist getting it anyway. The colour is beautiful and it is well made (and a bargain at $20!) but the curves... curves are feminine aren't they?
It has been sitting in storage since we picked it up so today I toyed around with it and created a physical mood board of sorts.

I added his red and white striped pillow and his newly painted lamp. His bed linen will be white and I'm thinking a neutral coloured blanket will look nice with it too.

I then added his wallpaper. I had a sample roll handy.

And lastly, I found some red ribbon left over from Christmas and tied it temporarily around the lamp shades. I probably won't secure it because I don't want to glue the shades but I thought it was a cute look. It is a shame not to use this bedhead because of the shape but the original idea might be the better way to go for a boy. Straight lines and no curves. What do you think?
So colours are red, white and more of the soft blue colour. We'll then add to this monster trucks, baseball bats, football jerseys or whatever his little heart desires.