Holly set a challenge for January to create an arrangement made of 3, 5 or 7 items in a triangle shape with the tallest items at the back and the smallest items at the front. I tried rearranging (again!) the items on the mirrored table because I felt the Love print was dwarfing the other items so I submitted this:

Speaking of learning (my Twitter buddies already this), I am be going back to school soon. I am starting an Interior Design and Decoration course in February which I am really excited about. This is something I have wanted to do for years. I am sure I will learn heaps from the course will probably apply what I learn around my home.
I am starting to get those back to school butterflies in my stomach though. It is the anticipation of not knowing what to expect. Did you ever get that feeling?
PS: I think the flowers might actually be Echinops (Globe Thistle). Is anyone familiar with these plants that can verify?