I'm feeling it now. I really am. Christmas is right around the corner. My local post office tells me there are 10 more sleeps to go. They've been counting down for months.

We aren't putting our Christmas tree up this year. Robert would tear it down in an instant. I wanted the house to feel festive though, for him and us, so I decorated the dining table with Christmas gifts and goodies.

I also made
the hanging bauble chandelier thing. Mine didn't turn out nearly as good as the pictures because I don't have enough baubles but at least it's something and Robert loves to point at it.

Decorating the dining table means we now have to eat TV dinners but never mind. Only 10 more sleeps to go and there are still lots of carols to be sung.
Pssst: There are some gifts on the table for YOU. I'll tell you more very soon.