This lady here has discovered that, despite all of the clothes that are taking up space in her wardrobe, she has no clothes to wear. None.
We spent the weekend out and about and I just could not be bothered dressing in anything other than jeans and a daggy jumper. I would swap my clothes for my son's in a heartbeat if, you know, I could fit into a size 0 and I was male. He's been given some really trendy outfits.
I'm thinking if my clothes were practical and comfortable and perhaps even stylish then I might make more of an effort.
I found myself looking at jumpsuits because they look comfortable. The ones I'm looking at have no belts, buttons, sparkles, ties, fan-dangled thingies that my son can get his hands on and try to rip off. But I just don't know how I feel about wearing jumpsuits. Would you? Wouldn't you?
(Image found here)