I found I was surrounded by lots of 'L' words tonight - I saw LILY Allen in concert (fun!) and lots of LEATHER boots (got to get myself a pair this winter) and I drank LEMON ice tea and LAUGHED when I tripped over..err.. nothing and told LAME jokes while waiting for Lily to appear on stage and saw the best t-shirt with the slogan 'I LOVE LOVE' (my favourite 'L' word).
So inspired by this t-shirt, I've dug up some of my favourite LOVE images for you. Enjoy!

Oh, and the song that received the best crowd response - can you guess what is it? Well, I can't type it without bleeping it out so let's just say it goes something like this except I've substituted a few words: "Love you, love you very very much. 'Cause we love what you do and we love your whole crew so please do stay in touch...".
Okay time to sleep! My son will be up in a few hours...
(Hope this posts makes some sense, hehe)