Not my dolls but these are just adorable
Oh you should see the smile on my face. I have finally managed to begin a collection of kokeshi dolls that I've admired for a long time now.
I was never really 'into' dolls when I was a little girl so I have no idea what has sparked this up now but it's here and I must indulge so I am looking forward to receiving 2 dolls in the mail. I will admire them daily and dust them lovingly.

In my search I also came across this custom kokeshi doll on Etsy. You choose the hair colour, kimono style and designs, what your doll will be holding, accessories and a personal message. Cute!
Also while I'm on the topic, a friend introduced me to kimmidolls. Have you heard of them?
Tell me, what do you like to collect?
(Above images Flickr - revolutionarygirl)